I'm into remote sensing.. unrequited love, where i desire you at a distance and imagine you are able to read my every whim to pleasure and please me. Oh yes, please do! "Please please me like I please you.."

La Trilogie Érotique. (Amies. - Femmes. - Hombres.) Édition illustrée de quinze compositions originales dessinées et gravées à l'eau-forte par Van Troizem [d.i. |Martin van Maele|.] et augmentée d'un Avant-propos par un Bibliophile Verlainien. [It] was illustrated by van Maele under the pseudonym Van Troizem. "[Verlaine's] finest and most erotic work appeared around 1907. The first of this output was a suite of 15 powerful plates to illustrate an edition of P. Verlaine`s erotic poetry.
I want so much more than a passionate fuck or a quick kiss, I wish to savour it...

WITH hollow eyes and bosoms firm and bold,
The maddened Sappho, torn by passions pure.
Runs like a she-wolf on the beaches of the night.
I dream of Phaon, forgetful of the Rite,
And, seeing how these tears so illy fare,
By handfuls pulls my long and streaming hair.
Then [she] evokes, with grief, silent, wet, deep.
The days when brightly shown the early game
Of those warm loves extolled in songs of flame,
Sent, now, in memory to all maids asleep.
With pallid lids on weary eyes, Cupid bends over Psyche asleep...
And springs to drink the waters of La Mour.
On the black waves the light from heaven pours —
And pale Selene has espoused desire.
164 Paul Verlaine
Selene: In Greek mythology, Selene (Greek Σελήνη [selɛ́ːnɛː] 'moon'; Doric Σελάνα; Aeolic Σελάννα) was an archaic lunar deity and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia.[1] In Roman mythology, the moon goddess is called Luna, Latin for "moon".
You may now kiss the moon, of my royal ass..
: )