One of the biggest mistakes that men (or women even) make when performing oral sex on their partner is to dive right in with the licking.
There are so many other ways to tantalize her sacred spaces without your tongue. This is NOT to suggest that your tongue is not welcome to join the party – just try to vary your technique a bit with other options.
Women love to know that when you are down between their legs that you find their personal parts sexy and stimulating. The first way to do this is to become an admirer.
That’s right – admire your woman’s vagina. Look at it, run your fingers over it, just comment on it. Let her know how turned on you are by her and her vagina.
Let her just lie back and enjoy what you are doing without worrying about doing anything to you. Situate yourself – at least at first – far enough that she can’t reach you. Let her know it is all about HER and HER pleasure, not about you!
Begin with your hands and fingers – squeeze the labia between your fingers. Rub and caress her but do not touch her clitoris. The idea is to so slowly seduce her into a frenzy before you even touch her clitoris.
Pull gently on her labia – inner and outer – and just admire how she will begin to moan and move with your touch – silently (or not so silently) begging you to lick her.
DON’T! There are more ways to please her than with your mouth – so be patient – and tell her to be patient too.
Run your finger up and down between her labia – don’t insert a finger but instead, slowly tantalize her opening just a bit.
The idea is to provide sensations and let her know you are admiring and loving the pleasure you are giving her.
Use your hands to grab and caress her thighs, her tummy, and her pelvic arch. Tease and taunt her with your hands. Stimulate her as much as possible without directly touching her clitoris.
When you have sufficiently gotten your partner excited and aroused – it is time to move on to some tongue techniques. This does not mean that you are going to stop using your fingers – you are – but a little lick will do the trick here!
Most men seem to want to dive right into licking the clitoris – it is, after all, the love button! DON’T – resist the urge and savor your partner’s other private parts.
Lick up and down her labia, in the middle, around her opening. Pay attention to her lips – slowly suck them in. Use your fingers at the same time to caress her, to open her up.
When she is just in absolutely ecstasy – give her clitoris a little lick. Slowly, lick it hard and then STOP again. Move on to other areas again. Then go back up and give it a little suck.
Form your mouth into an “O” and suck her clitoris into your mouth. Marvel at how it gets engorged with blood and how she lubricates, showing you how aroused she is!
Now you are ready for some serious licking – but there are rules to this. First, you should never lap at your woman’s vagina like a dog taking a drink! There is technique – a good and a bad way! I know, you are thinking, “but it is called, ‘eating a girl out.’”
While this might be some man’s idea of properly naming the event, it surely doesn’t represent what you really should do during oral sex.
First, you are not digging in her vagina for buried treasure – you are exposing her treasure “externally” and then getting the reward from within.
Your licking should be like you are eating an ice cream cone. With gentle care – being careful not to push the ice cream off the cone.
Use your tongue to taste your lover’s “cream” and to gently give homage to her whole cone – her labia, inner creases and of course – the cherry on top – the clitoris!
You would never just eat the center of the cone – but instead have to equally disperse your licking all around the cone. To do this in oral sex – you pay attention to every inch of your woman’s vagina.
Now, now is the time to concentrate on your partner’s clitoris. Not before, but now! You have to really draw out the process to make her literally and subconsciously beg for you to lick her clitoris. She will be putty in your hands and ready to explode into orgasm.
Begin by giving her clitoris a harder lick – like you are attempting to lick the chocolate coating off your cone. Lick and suck in various patterns.
While you are doing this, reach up and fondle her breasts – let her know that you are savoring all of her, and have not forgotten about her breasts.
Hold her legs open like you are diving in and have to get every inch of her. Being exposed like this makes most women feel very, very sexy and aroused.
When you sense that your partner is getting closer to orgasm – you can tell by the way she moans, moves or even what she says – then it is time for some finger play again.
There are many variations of finger play – and to be a successful lover – and to be invited back to the party – try variations on all of them.
1. Fingers holding the vagina open: It is no secret that holding the vaginal lips open makes the clitoris more “taught” and thereby more sensitive.
Many women hold their own vaginal lips open when masturbating for this very reason. You can do this with one hand or two – if you use one hand, use the other to feel her tummy, breasts or thighs.
Hold open her vagina and just pay attention to the clitoris – remembering to alternate licking and sucking as well as taking a small break from the direct clitoral pressure and lick up and down her inner crease.
2. Fingers on the clitoris: Many women – including myself – love a finger or a thumb on the clit during oral sex. Especially if your partner likes more firm pressure – your tongue might need a little help.
This is not to say you stop licking, you just vary your technique to use your finger or thumb as the main stimulator and then move your tongue around the other areas. This is a good technique if you are getting tired and she is close to orgasm!
3. Fingers IN: By “in” I of course mean in the vagina. Most women report that their most intense orgasms are during insertion and clitoral stimulation. Well, you have the clitoral stimulation down, so why not add the insertion. Use your own common sense when fingering your partner.
Not all women like 4 fingers in – at least not at first – so begin with two. Make sure she is lubricated enough (and by now she should be) and slowly insert two fingers into her vagina.
This should cause her to gasp with pleasure! Run your fingers around her inner vaginal walls. If she is receptive, use another finger. This is up to you and your partner.
Gently move your fingers in and out of her vagina as you lick and caress her clitoris. Ask her what speed works for her. Faster, slower, more fingers, less – pleasing her is your objective here. Most men find the fingering of their partners to be EXTREMELY arousing!
4. Going for the “G”: If you are going to finger your partner then you might want to attempt to stimulate her G-Spot.
This little spot is on the upper (tummy) side of her vaginal wall, about 2-3 inches in. When you hit this spot it will feel spongy and rougher than the rest of her vaginal wall.
If you have your fingers in – palm side up – and rub on this spot HARD – she will likely gasp with intense pleasure. Even if she doesn’t have a G-Spot orgasm right then, it is nice to try and will feel good to her regardless!
When she begins to reign in her orgasm – which you can tell in a variety of ways – she will tell you, you will feel the PC muscles beginning to contract and release, her clitoris will get hard and large – this is the time to finish her off with a bang!
Begin to lick harder, suck in her clitoris, and use your fingers in her vagina giving her the insertion she wants. Press her legs more open and go for the GOLD!
When she begins to orgasm you will feel a contracting of her PC muscles and most likely and increase in lubrication.
DON’T STOP! Keep on going and giving her the pleasure until she directs you to stop. In time, if you are both willing, she may begin having multiples – no wouldn’t that be nice?
*She is to be pleased...
*More ways to please her...